A Look Inside the Digital Version
For Your Computer, Tablet or Phone
This digital PDF version contains all the information found in the Wall Calendars plus the lunation charts for each month. It is easily navigated from the contents pages and from each of the individual pages. Being able to navigate quickly from the Forecasts to the Charts and the Ephemeris is a big help for the serious astrologer. Like all the calendars it includes detailed instructions plus links to the videos on this website.
Use the Same File for All Your Devices.
Because PDF is a wonderful standard, and because the navigation is built into the PDF version, this is the easiest Calendar to use. It is even easier to use than the Kindle Version from Amazon, which has limited navigation.
The Digial Calendar
Many people use the Digital Version on their phone as an addition to the their Wall Calendar or Day Planner. If you always have your phone with you, then you will have your Planetary Calendar.
The Contents Page
The Digital Version has a hyperlinked contents page to help you quickly find what you need.
The Reference Pages
It is easy to navigate to the reference pages you need to personalize the data. Start by determining what Planet your Sun Sign most closely relates to in the outside world.
The Calendar is designed in an intuitive fashion that makes the information easy to understand. A complete mini-astrology course focuses on how to use the Calendar most effectively.
The Forecast
The annotated forecast highlights significant events in the month and offers insights about good general strategies and how to use that for certain Signs. In the bottom box is a Glyph to English Guide with keywords to help with interpretations.
The Calendar
The Calendar gives you the information quickly when you need it. In the empty boxes is the plain language monthly ephemeris for quick reference about the starting degree for each planet and any sign or direction changes that happen during the month.
The Lunation Charts
After the forecasts we include each month's Lunation Charts. If one is an eclipse it is marked as such.
The Annual Ephemeris
For those who depend on the raw data, the annual scientific ephemeris follows the months. With each on its own page the data is easy to read.
Back Cover
The back cover lists the many features of the Planetary Calendar.